Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Questionaire: Civil Rights and Liberties

1. To what extent should freedom of speech be allowed?? Use specific court cases and experiences in your own life to support your answer!
Freedom of speech is a highly subjective political right that is stated within the first amendment. Many people take it as right to say whatever they want, but this should not be in the case in many scenarios because it could be abused in many different cases. In the case of the R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, hate speech and the free clause speech was called unconstitutional after a cross was set up and burned across an African American family’s yard. This sort of occurrence in society is absolutely unacceptable, but at the same time having everyone be allowed to voice their opinion is also important. Recently in the NBA, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers has allegedly been said to have a conversation with his girlfriend, putting minorities (black) as under him. He told his girlfriend after she posted a picture of herself with Magic Johnson that she did not want her to associate herself with African Americans and to not bring them to his basketball games. This issue especially in the NBA where 90% of the league is African American is especially disturbing. Freedom of speech should not let you be able to speak something that will let you disturb society in ways that will cause commotion nationally. In addition, most recently the state college of my state (New Jersey) has had a protest in which 50 students participated in a sit in after the School's Board of Governors voted to invite Condoleezza Rice (former secretary of state under George W. Bush). These students did not want to have someone that was involved in the Iraq War to speak at their commencement because they classified him as a war criminal. This expression of disagreement is totally acceptable, but once it gets out of hand and causes damage it should be taken down. This was exactly what happened as police intervened as the students broke a glass door, leaving one with a cut hand. A disturbance that should have clearly been left in the past, and a harmful protest are just some ways that freedom of speech should be limited.

2. Which of the rights of the accused created during this period do you agree or disagree with, and why?
The rights of accused are flawed in several ways because it does not arrest all criminals in a logical way. Sometimes it will leave one wondering why that person was not arrested. The decision that was made in the case of Miranda v Arizona in 1966, advises that all policemen must advise every suspect with their rights, otherwise not admissible in a trial. This simple, yet possibly crucial law will sometimes allow a criminal to be set free. Furthermore, these Miranda Rights, have let criminals become more stubborn even when they are clearly guilty. Their right to have an assistance of a counsel during a trial is very unfair to the lower class as it gives an upper hand to the criminals in the upper echelon of society because they are able to have a counsel of attorneys. This right has actually been used in parodies such as in the movie 21 Jumpstreet when two policemen try to arrest a man within the most wanted list for selling drugs. Although they were able to capture the man, the man was not permissible to enter trial because he was not read his rights. Although these procedures are very useful in the imprisonment of many, common sense should prevail in some regards. 
3. Should praying be allowed in public schools? Base your answer at least partially on your interpretation of the Constitution.
A prayer is done when a person wants to speak to God in order to give thanks or request something from him. If at any point in a time a person may feel it is necessary to pray to his or her God, it is essential to allow that person whether in school or out of school to have access to pray without discrimination as secured in the 14th amendment. 90% of American children attending public schools and within that 90% lies a large number of different religious values. Several religions such as Islam, require you to pray 5 times a day at a certain time and the United States of America should respect their beliefs. Although, public schools are provided by the government and the separation of the church and state was set into place, going out to pray in your own setting should not disturb anyone. Likewise, the freedom of religion should not prohibit or give authorization to enforce a religion upon anyone. This right is directly provided from the First Amendment after the separation from the church and state. I personally do not believe in the decision made by the Supreme Court in the case of Engel v. Vitale, which stated that an official school prayer is unconstitutional. Praying should not be thought of as part of a religion, but more of as a lifestyle that people have to live out on a day to day basis. Thus, praying in schools should be allowed in reasonable setting given.


4. To what extent do you think the court cases reduced gender inequality, and how equal do you think the two genders are today?
Gender equality is still a large issue in today’s society. However, we are able to see the improvement society has made over the years. Previously, women were not allowed to vote in presidential elections, and for the most part kept as houses wives. However, after World War II, the value of women began to rise. The National Organization for Women was formed in 1966 to continue the movement for civil rights. In the case of Pittsburgh Press v Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations, employers were officially not allowed to have sex segregated posts to employ their staff. “Male Help Wanted” and “Female Help Wanted” in columns and newspaper publications were now illegal. Moves and cases like these have helped women propel in todays society., At the same time, we still have never seen a woman President, an equal salary, and an equal role in politics (17 out of the 100 senate seats are women). As women keep progressing in today’s society I believe that women will someday become equal to men in the near future. In that case I won't have to continue asking society why women are continually payed less on average to men, or why they are involved in politics on a lesser scale. 

5. To what extent is discrimination against minorities taking place in today's society in comparison to the 1960s in the United States?
In the 1960s, the civil rights movement for minorities (especially for African-Americans) was the turning point in which discrimination was on the downfall. However, the minorities in the United States had to face racialism in every part of society ranging from employment to seatings on the bus.  Discrimination in today’s society is prohibited in many cases as it is enforced by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). However,  racism and discrimination still do take place and always will take place as there are always people out there who simply think that they are better than others. Recently (stated before), Donald Sterling, the Los Angles Clipper’s owner, was caught saying how he did not want his girlfriend to associate herself with minorities publicly. In previous cases, he was sued because he was discriminating African-Americans and Latinos from purchasing his real estate houses. I  can conclude from this that discrimination does still take place in today’s society, but on a much lower scale because of the severe punishments that do come with it, whether it’s the media portraying you as a bad person or even getting sued.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Is College Worth It?

This article has gave me a larger perspective on what college should really be like. College degrees are not a ticket to a high-paying job and it's not important to go to the top universities. However I do believe that getting into better universities do give you a higher percentage of being able to do what you want and getting that job. Personally, I want to major in a college that provides a good education for business and marketing. After doing this, I would like to pursue a job in sports business. Thus, a good college for this would be NYU or UMASS. However, because NYU is very expensive and the business program there is very prestigious, I would look to pursuit for something else if I were to attend that college. Furthermore, if it is possible to get into another college for more reasonable cost and have the same reputable program as NYU, I would like to attend that college.

Who Really Started the Cold War?

Cold War Map
U.S Nuclear Missle
The Soviet Union was the sole reason for why the Cold War commenced approximately in 1947 after the conclusion of World War II. This war however was not a large scale war, but rather a political war between two super powers. The United States and the Soviet Union wanted to express their power over one another through military dominance and even in technological advances. This constant battle for power would lead to a near, full-out nuclear warfare between the two oppositions.
Stalin had always given off bad blood to America. From the times of 1918, Russia was not able to forget the memories of America trying to demolish the Russian Revolution. In addition, they believed that America and Britain were both delayed D-Day during World War II because they wanted Germany to weaken the Soviet Union considerably. This sense of mistrust led to many other conflicts that would just continue to rise higher and higher. 
The selfish nature of the Soviet Union to expand their power was an offensive threat to many countries around them. They refused to abide and cooperate with their former allies and the United Nations. U.S diplomat, George Kennan, sent a “Long Telegram” to explain the reckless nature of the Soviets to take over all of Europe. Kennan would then implement a foreign policy called “Containment”, which would soon be adopted by President Truman and later presidents. Joseph Stalin’s constant military expansion caused the United States to take precaution and build up their own army, which was only a mere act of defense. Furthermore, the use of espionages by the Soviet Union to obtain political and military information was a move that enraged the United States. These missteps that were taken, were in many ways contributions to the start and buildup of the Cold War.
Cold War Tanks (U.S)
Within the Truman Doctrine, President Truman acknowledged that he would do everything in his power to protect the people who were under totalitarian regimes. He would do this primarily through economic and financial aid. Thus, we could view this as an action taken by the United States to protect the people of the third world who couldn’t protect themselves. It was the duty of the United States to lead the world to peace and prevent the Soviet Union from spreading their selfish ideology of communism that put the state needs ahead of the rights of humanity. In correlation, the United State’s goal was also to spread their ideology of democracy, which gave people freedom and equality. From this, we could see a more defensive approach by the United States, while the Soviet Union took a more offensive approach.

How could you possibly blame the United States when they were just acting on for the good of this world? The Soviet Union on the other hand was the complete opposite as they were just acting on for the good of themselves. For this very reason, we could see that the Soviet Union instigated the Cold War.
Nuclear Warfare this close
Truman and Stalin

- http://www.johndclare.net/cold_war3.htm
- Keynote: Cold War Begins
- Cold War Documents ABCD

- Textbook: American Anthem (Ch. 25)

