Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Sounds of WWII

Rosie the Riveter
Women were of great necessity to the United States during the WWII. The movement of men from the work force to the army changed the United States in ways that would seem unreal. Women went from having minority, low class jobs to crucial roles in the work force in order to keep the industry of the United States going. The outlook of women was going to change radically as the United States brought a large amount of women to new heights in the working industry.

Men did not see women on the same level as other men especially when it came to working. Before WWII, working women were seen as people who took away the jobs from unemployed men. This image transferred when the women actually started to take a larger role in this part of the United States. For this reason, women did not particularly want to join the labor force and instead continued to stay home as house wives. This stagnant approach caused the government to take action and create propaganda to encourage women to start working. Consequently, the fictional character "Rosie the Riveter" was born. This new image of loyal, efficient, patriotic and pretty would then set the foundation for women to start partaking in these jobs.

Theme: Empowerment of Women
Christina Aguilera spoke to us about in her song how women are always suppressed in society and thought about as significantly worse in comparison to men. However she explains to us about how women are just as capable as men. This was evident during the times of World War II because women were clearly capable in handling the jobs men were "supposed" in the working industry.

Germany was devastated during the first World War. This devastation could be traced as one of the underlying reasons for why the Nazi Germany and their aggression came to be during the second World War. During this process Hitler would rise to power in the National Socialist German Workers Party and take over Germany in 1933. 

The name Hitler places a strong image in our head of a headstrong man with a block of hair placed just right above his mouth. Hitler is known as an infamous, powerful dictator that used his powers for negative causes. His new ideals in the government would mark the start start of radical movements within the newfound Germany. 

Hitler loved war. He thought that Germany should fight wars in order to gain additional land to let their people inhabit the lands. Hitler planned to start from the easiest countries, such as Czechoslovakia and build up to harder countries like France and Britain. Hitler has caused the deaths of many and is most notable for the Holocaust. However, he was later defeated in May 2, 1945 and consequently committed suicide. 
Theme: Realization of Power
Hitler virtually came from nothing. but now that he has all the power in the world, he was able to do inexplicable things. Through this power he has received, Hitler planned to start small and then go big in his pursuit to take over the world. This song by Drake, symbolizes both how Hitler came to be and how Hitler planned to carry out his actions.


Japan, ruled by Hirohito during World War II, signed a Tripartite Pact in September 1940 with Germany and Italy to help each other out when attacked by an opposing country. In that same month, Japan decided to send troops to French Indochina, leading the United States to set up embargos on oil and steel. Consequently again, Japan retaliated and attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 which initated the United States to join the war.

The next seven months, Japan would occupy many regions around Southeast Asia and the Pacific. These areas include Dutch East Indies, Philippines, New Guinea, Singapore and many other areas. Even so, in June 1942, the Battle of Midway turned everything around for Japan. Japan was slowly falling back due to America's naval and air supremacy. As this continued while Japan continually tried to defend using Kamikaze attacks, the U.S finally took over Okinawa. On August 6, 1945 the U.S finally dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and on Nagasaki there days later with Russia swarming ove Manchuria. Japan was surrendered in August 14, 1945.

Theme: Cumulating Anger
Japan had obvious discontent towards the United States. Starting from small inconveniences, the two countries had building tensions and eventually ended up going to war together. This song talks about how when a fire starts to burn it begins to spread. This is exactly what happened between Japan and the United States.

The United States 
The United States hoped to stay out of the second World War after experiencing the first World War. Nevertheless, the Americans couldn't help but feel supportive towards the Allies. The attack of Pearl Harbor from Japan would prove otherwise. Immediately, FDR called for war against Japan and brought the United States into the Allied power to join the World War. 

The U.S played a key part in supplying the Allies with resources in order to keep them going in the war. This was giving of warms was called the lend-lease and it was a way of getting out of the Neutrality Act that was implemented on them. This also meant that U.S was basically calling war against the Germans. Throughout the course of four years, the U.S would give out 46 billion dollars worth of defense technology, mainly to New England, Russia, France and China. While helping the other Allied countries, U.S managed to get itself out of the Great Depression because of how stimulated the economy became when U.S was required to produce more in factories for the Allied troops.

Theme: Helping Others
The United States for most part wanted to stay neutral in WWII. Thus, they resorted to do most of their damage in the war by helping the Allies with substantial amounts of supplies. This would help fuel them to victory in the long run. The United States was the country that was there for all the Allied countries and kept them sheltered from the Axis power.

Russia (Soviet Union) 
In August 39, Russia and Germany signed a non-agreession pact. Originally, Russia belonged to the Axis Powers, but switched to the Allies as they were attacked by Germany. This attack would be the largest land attack in history. Hitler issued Operation Barbarossa in 1941 onto Russia using the Blizkrieg method to devastate Russia. 

The attack on Russia to overtake Moscow was initially extremely successful. However, as soon as Germany reached that point, Russia decided to destroy their own resources in order to prevent Germany from using it. This tactic proved to be crucial in overturning the outcome of the war. Germany's supply line of armies was spread out through a larger area (Poland to Russia) and guerrilla attacks on these supply lines proved to be successful. Furthermore, during the winter the German soldiers were ill-equipped with winter clothing, while the Russian soldiers were amply supplied with winter clothing. These large advantages for the Russians helped fight off the Germans to win the Battle of Stalingrad. This was the turning point in World War II to put the Allies in favor.
Theme: Overcoming Evil
The Hell Song talks about overcoming all the evils in our lives. Russia was attacked by Germany and things looked bleak when Moscow was almost taken over. However, with careful planning and composure kept them alive and still fighting. 

The Holocaust is remembered today as one of the cruelest, unearthly events in history. There were approximately six million deaths within the Jewish population due to Hitler's plan to annihilate their whole population. This was called the "Final Solution." To gain popularity for this action, Hitler and the Nazi party put up endless amounts of propaganda claiming Jews to be their misfortune. Afterwards, the Nazi party implemented the theory of "Survival of the Fittest" from Charles Darwin to put themselves as the alpha animals while the Jews were down at the bottom. The theory that Jews are bound to become instinct was used to increase their validity to persecute the Jews.

Hitler's two main goals were to have racial purity and spacial expansion for the German population. Hitler's first goal to have racial purity was the foundation that set the course for the Holocaust. Starting in late 1941, Germans began to set up concentration camps, most notably the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp which was the largest of them all. In these camps, Jewish men, women and children were kept in rancid, abysmal conditions. The Jewish prisoners were confined, starved and set to do hard labor. This would not stop until the camps were all taken down by April 1945 through the work of the Allied forces.

Theme: Race and Crime
Michael Jackson sings about how it doesn't if one person is black or white. In a general sense this means that we should not discriminate anyone of any race because they are "different". The Holocaust has shown how devastating racial crimes could be.

Benito Mussolini 
Benito Mussolini was an Italian dictator that created the ideals of Fascism with Hitler. Before the two allied, Mussolini went through many psychological distresses such as the death of his parents and older brother. Thus, he expected to die young himself, while thinking he was capable in leading his country Italy to prominence.

Mussolini's obsession for power always blinded his common sense to know that he was simply incapable of such feat. His army was simply to poorly led and unprepared for the war. His alliance with Hitler in May 1938 gave more protection to his country. Mussolini was simply a lapdog for Hitler and was rendered useless. In July 1943, Italy's Sicily was invaded and later fell altogether six weeks after while being arrested. Mussolini however was later rescued by German troops. April of 1945, Mussolini was recaptured by Italian Partisans and shot.

Theme: Unavailing Power
Although it may have seemed like Mussolini was a large part of World War II he was in fact almost useless in the Axis power. He lost virtually every battle he got into against the Allied countries. Thus, this song is sung in Hitler's perspective because he had to have an ally that did almost nothing. "Thanks for Nothing" was a suitable phrase for Hitler to say to Mussolini.

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was a British politician that was in the Conservative Party. He is known today as one of the best war time leaders of the century through the roles of a officer, a writer, a historian and an artist. At the start of WWII, he was appointed the role of prime minister.

Churchill's many speeches and radio-broadcasts were one of many reasons why the people of Britain were kept in good hopes. Over the years, he was resolved in defeating Nazi Germany and kept up with the war when many would have given up. When Britain was alone against Germany when tensions were high, Churchill proved to be the perfect leader as his adamant personality allowed his country to maintain ground against the Germans. This continued until Germany was completely defeated and no more.

Theme: Seeing the good in bad; Persistency
Shadow of the Day takes place in a setting of war and misfortune as was WWII. Winston Churchill took this setting and gave the people of Britain hope. Linkin Park's lyrics of "Embrace the world in grey" is telling us to persevere through these times in hopes of better days.

D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
The Normandy Invasion or D-Day was an invasion of Normandy by the Allied forces. Approximately 156,000 soldiers from America, Britain and Canada assembled along the coast of Normandy, France. This invasion is known as one of the largest assaults in history and is also one that required deliberate planning and time.

Germany had taken over northwestern France in May 1940. However, Britain and America thought it would be crucial in regaining this area as they were cut off by Germans here during the Battle of France. As this idea started to take full fledge, the foundation for the invasion was beginning to get set. Hitler knew of this attack though and instructed one of his officials to defend France's northern coast. Although he knew of this attack, he did not know exactly where the attack would come from, thus he set up a 2,400 mile barricade of defensive bunkers and mines. The actual attack which was suppose to happen on June 5, 1944 was delayed a full 24 hours because of weather conditions. When the attack finally came, ships, tanks and aircrafts were mobilized all over the coast of Normandy. In part, Germany's failure to hold up the defense was due to Hitler's assumption that this attack was only a hoax for a bigger attack and their confusion in ranks. The invasion was successful and it proved to be the turning point for the course of WWII.

Theme: All Out
In an effort to take out Germany out once and for all, the Allied powers decided that it was necessary have one all out attack. Thus, this song is appropriate because it talks about how desperate measures were taken in order to achieve their goal.

Japanese Internment
The Pearl Harbor attack by Japan is the main reason for why the United States decided to enter the World War II. For this very reason, the U.S thought it would be appropriate for all inhabitants of Japanese descent to be held in internment camps and isolated from the rest of the country in case they were still loyal to their motherland. 

The internment of Japanese-Americans was incredibly wrong. Japanese people who were born in the United States (NISEI) or contributed in World War I with the United States were all forced to leave their homes. On the other hand, German-Americans were not held to any sort of internment camps when they were in the same situation as the Japanese. This only meant that the executive order by FDR to hold the Japanese-Americans in internment camps was racist as they were not 'white'. Conditions were also not as good as what the U.S government's commercials presented it to be. The propagandas were actually the exact opposite. Lands for farming were arid, foods were rationed at low servings and medical attention was hard to get. The U.S was clearly wrong in the handling of these Japanese-Americans.

Theme: Unjustified Action
This song by Fort Minor directly sings about the life of a Japanese-American named Ken who had to go through the time of the internment. His life radically changed from the American life to a prisoner of his own country. This particular experience is generally the experience of all Japanese-Americans of this time. 
