Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chicago Race Riots: The Inevitable?

Many people could blame that one incident of the the black boy getting killed by a rock as the reason why the Chicago Race Riots initiated. However, that incident only outlined and divulged the inevitable. Before the boy got killed, the relations between the black and whites were unhealthy and it caused many conflicts between the two. As society began to become more spread out and the blacks began to move in with the "white" society, job employment  became a major issue. Employment being such a hard thing to come by, whites did not want that black community to come in and take their jobs. In addition to this, the stereotypes of the black community was so strong, that segregation came from the water fountains to the buses. This being said, any event of significance between the two races could have inflicted in a detrimental result. So, I believe that the Chicago Race Riots would have inevitably come, even if it would have been later.
Race Relations in the United States during the 1920s was at its peak. Racism was everywhere and it was impossible to get around it. Whether the boy getting killed was the reason the Chicago Race Riots started, or was just a catalyst to the event does not matter. For a man to throw rocks at an innocent man and kill him is downright unacceptable in society. Thus, I can formidably say that the race relations in the United States during the 1920s was faulty in every single aspect.